banyuls goes green
Saturday June 4 and Sunday June 5, 2022
Participate in preserving the environment of Banyuls-sur-Mer, in collaboration with the Observatoire Océanologique Banyuls and Plastic@Sea.
Participatory workshops, waste collection, solidarity actions…
Become actors and ambassadors of a cleaner, more responsible and more united city to preserve our exceptional living environment which makes it a unique wealth of the territory.
Provisional program:
Operation Clean Port; Press conference.
Saturday, June 04
Official launch of the Banyuls s’engage campaign; Operation Plastic Seekers: the Banyuls Oceanological Observatory and Plastic@Sea lead a day of Participatory Science (waste collection in the neighborhoods, the central beach and the Baillaury, routing of the collected waste, classification according to the protocol shared by the international scientific community); Festive time around the collected waste.
Solutions Forum: different associations and companies present their actions to valorize the collected waste; Round table on concrete solutions (prevention, sorting, waste collection, etc.); All involved: souvenir photo around the collected waste.
Faced with the environmental emergency, the fight against abandoned waste is accelerating!
In September 2021, Citeo, the Association of Mayors of France and Presidents of Intercommunities, and the French Office of Biodiversity, launched a Call for Expressions of Interest (AMI) to bring out and support 18 promising initiatives to meet these challenges. It is endowed with one million euros.
In March 2022, the city, in partnership with the Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls and the company Plastic@sea, became one of the 18 Citéo winners in Metropolitan France.
The city is thus committed to a comprehensive waste prevention and management plan, through an innovative, cross-cutting and collaborative scheme, which involves all the territory’s stakeholders in a virtuous circle around a common goal: Banyuls is committed!
A steering committee has been created for the implementation and monitoring of the proposed actions which are among others:
– The measurement and characterization of pollution at the mouth of the Baillaury and on the beach ;
– The purchase of “intelligent” beach garbage cans;
– A class from the elementary school will work with the reporter Samuel Bollendorff, in order to realize a photo report on plastic pollution which will be presented at the Off Festival of Visa pour l’image;
– The organization during the Pentecost weekend of an awareness day around this theme and environmental protection in general.
Together, let’s preserve a clean environment for ourselves but also for future generations.