NewsThe videosbanyuls masque©banyuls masqueFàQ covid-19Published on 16 July 2021Whether you are staying, passing through for a day or living in Banyuls-sur-Mer, you ask yourself the same questions: Can I go to Spain? With or without a health pass? Is...RU PUBLIQUE FRONT MER©RU PUBLIQUE FRONT MERPublic meeting on the sea front, section 3Published on 4 May 2022Presentation of the waterfront development project (tranche 3: Mediterranean space) Démarches en ligne©Démarches en ligneOnline filing of planning permissionPublished on 4 May 2022From now on, a user will be able to submit his or her request for planning permission online, at any time and wherever he or she is, in a simplified process and at no cost. Cnb©CnbWeekend of May 7 and 8, 2022Published on 4 May 2022A lively weekend ahead, here’s the schedule for May 7 and 8, 2022. Port Banyuls-sur-Mer©Port Banyuls-sur-Mer|Laurent lacombeWhat do we do in May and June 2022?Published on 4 May 2022Check out the entertainment schedule for May and June 2022. Please note, program subject to change. Banyuls Nuit Web @pierre Marzolla©Banyuls Nuit Web @pierre MarzollaPublic lighting at night: give your opinion!Published on 3 May 2022The commune has begun a reflection on the use of public lighting. This reflection, many communities and public bodies have engaged, so true is it that light pollution has...Bénévole Swimrun©Bénévole SwimrunSwimRun Côte Vermeille 2022: become a volunteer!Published on 27 April 2022On Saturday, June 18 will take place the now unmissable SwimRun Côte Vermeille. The organization team is looking for volunteers: and why not you! Logo Impots©Logo ImpotsTax Permanence April 2022Published on 25 April 2022Income Tax Clinic on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the CCAS office (Town Hall Garden). Sant Jordi©Sant JordiWhat are we doing this weekend? April 22, 23 and 24, 2022Published on 22 April 2022Events for the weekend of April 23-24, 2022 Echarpe Tricolore Pour Le Maire Or©Echarpe Tricolore Pour Le Maire OrApril 14, 2022 City Council rescheduled to April 21Published on 11 April 2022Next City Council meeting deferred from Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 8:30 p.m. to Thursday, April 21 at 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers at City Hall. Elections Vote (1)©Elections Vote (1)Presidential Elections 2022: think about voting by proxyPublished on 31 March 2022The next presidential elections will be held on Sunday, April 10 and 24, 2022. Are you absent or unable to get to the polling place? Think about voting by proxy. Pumptrack Montcalm©Pumptrack MontcalmPublic meeting pumptrackPublished on 8 April 2022Presentation of the new pumptrack project at a public meeting on Thursday, April 14 at 6:00 p.m. Novelty Hall. Children, teens, parents: come learn about the project and give...All our newsPublic meeting renaturation BaillauryPrésentation projet renaturation BaillauryBanyuls TV #43Banyuls TV #43 [27 janvier 2022]Greetings to the population 2022Cérémonie des Vœux 2022 | Banyuls-sur-MerAll our videos
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What are we doing today?Kayak de mer©Kayak de mer|Laurent LacombeBanyuls, the sea and its treasuresMaillol ©Maillol |Laurent LacombeAn open-air museumRandonnées sur les sentiers de Banyuls sur mer©Randonnées sur les sentiers de Banyuls sur mer|Laurent LacombePaths to take(66) Pyrénées-Orientales Banyuls sur Mer en automne ©vigne vendanges vignoble vin raisin|Laurent LacombeAn exceptional vineyardTerrasses Café Mer Méditerranée Lever Soleil©Terrasses Café Mer Méditerranée Lever Soleil|PIERRE_MARZOLLABanyuls at its own pace